
A room devoted to the exhibition of works of art.

Upcoming Exhibit:

Join us for the Opening Reception

May 18, 6-9pm

Artist Statement

For all human existence, we’ve lived among and depended on them for our survival.

With their roots, trunks, branches, boughs, and leaves, we’ve been sheltered and kept warm. We’ve cooked our food, and made our tools and clothes. Photosynthesis quite literally creates the air we breathe.

They’ve always been here and hopefully will be here long after we’re gone. And yet, as we live our lives among these silent living beings, we rarely take the time to stop and wonder what their lives are like. How they feel about us.

If they could speak, what would they say?

Through the process of linocut and monotype printmaking, I attempt to help translate for you some of their visual language.

In other words, I encourage you to stop and take a moment to listen. Maybe then, together we’ll start to hear - and possibly even begin to understand the language of trees.

Follow William Cook on instagram at @williammakes

The gallery space is open by appointment only, and for occasional pop up hours. Follow our instagram for details! We would love to show you this gorgeous work.