Carol Ross

Name some artists that have influenced you: Artists that have influenced me in my sumi ink work:  Diebenkorn, Wolf Kahn, Mitchel Johnson,  and Edward Hopper.

Share an artistic accomplishment you are proud of: One of the things I am most proud of is my openness to learn new art mediums and explore.  I do not feel that art should be a should be fun, fresh, and still challenging.  In terms of 'honors' I have had...probably the invitations I have had to show my work at various city halls on the Eastside, awards I have received at Exhibitions around the state and my acceptance into the prestigious Women Painters of Washington organization.

Why do you teach art? I teach the ink on clayboard process because it brings such a successful art experience into the lives of the students. Students experience a positive outcome without years of training or spending a lot of money on equipment.  They experience the joy of making art.  It's as simple as that!

I have always allowed my life to move in new directions when the opportunity arose. learning a new skill or following a new passion.  My art mediums?  Ceramics, Encaustic, Welding, Assemblage, with a lifelong love of manipulating paint…my heart has consistently returned to Oil and Acrylic painting for the last 20 years.   My professional practice is consistent with 3-4 hours of painting a day in my small studio on Lake Sammamish.  I grew up in the Northwest, hiking trails on Mr. Rainier and catching smelt on the coast with handmade nets.  My work has been collected throughout the United States as well as in Iceland, Mexico, and Canada.


University of Washington, Gage Academy, Tubac Art Center, Kirkland Art Center, Workshop Intensives in Oil and Acrylic Painting.

Professional Affiliations

Women Painters of Washington Gallery, Seattle, Washington

Fogue Gallery and Studios, Seattle, Washington

House of Orange Fine Art Gallery, Cannon Beach, Oregon

Women Painters of Washington Association, EAFFA, Woodinville Art Alliance

View some of Carol’s work here.


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